Black and White Challenge – Day Three – Statue

I accept the challenge to post five black and white photos for five consecutive days this week. They ask that we include our black and white and its original match and I threw in some extras for fun.

I was challenged by Indah Susanti over at .  Indah has a gorgeous travel blog specializing in underwater photography.  I encourage you to check it out.

As part of the challenge I am encouraged to challenge another blogger I am connected to each day.  Today I challenge

Crystal Trulove @ Conscious Engagement  @  Crystal and I have a lot in common.  Her energy and enjoyment of travel are reflected in her blog posts.  Please check her blog out.

Below is a photo of one of my favorite statues, the Winged Victory of Samothrace housed at the Louvre.  I think the black and white photo adds a certain amount of extra mystery to her.  She is already magnificence enough.  But the black and white adds a romance to the image.  The other photos included in this post are from throughout France and Spain.

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16 thoughts on “Black and White Challenge – Day Three – Statue

  1. Oh gosh, Jenny! You challenged me and I have been working so hard and so unbelievably busy I haven’t even seen your blog till today! 🙂 Well, you know what, I wouldn’t be surprised if we have busy lives in common too. 🙂 Thank you so very much for the kudos and the link and the compliments!

    Ok, I’ll give it a shot, but I may start it later. I am scrambling to get everything together for my road trip up the coast to Canada that starts in less than a week. I am so excited to go on a trip because I haven’t been traveling much and I’ve also been working tons of overtime, and I need this vacation so very much you can’t even believe it.

    Thanks again for thinking of me. You made me all smiley. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A great selection. (I am very partial to the “Victory of Samothrace”, one my favourite)
    Where did you get the roughly-hewn statue, two shots actually. Looks a moody or mourning knight?


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