Magical Carrowmore – Megalithic Cemetery in County Sligo

It’s Halloween…what better way to celebrate than to post about cemeteries!?  It’s no ordinary cemetery though. Carowmore Megalithic Cemetery is gorgeous and unusual.  It is said that an old Giant flying Irish Hag was collecting boulders to build an enclosure for her animals.  She was flying over Carrowmore when she dropped the boulders out of her apron. Those boulders now dot the landscape that is Carrowmore.  Dolmens, cairns, stone circle tombs are in every direction in every size about thirty in total. One can drive around the surrounding farmland and find dolmens or mounds in yards belonging to local farmers.  In fact, every direction you look a cairn can be seen dotting the Knocknarea and Ballygawley mountaintops as though the megalithic people were type A and felt they needed to overdo it a little! (Respect from one Type A to another friend!)  The monuments are some of the oldest in Ireland spanning from around 5-6000 years old!

Happy Halloween friends.  Have fun stepping through the cemeteries this All Hallow’s Eve!


Seems perfectly reasonable advice for a megalithic grave


My cute cow is back


Look closely on the top of the mountain and you will see a tiny bump. That bump is one example of a cairn on the mountains that surround the area. How cool is that?


To read about Nowth, Dowth, and Newgrange Passage Tombs click here.

For more Ireland shenanigans please click here

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