Monet Earlier Years – Paris

A few years back I had the luxury, and yes I will call it luxury, of visiting the sublime Musee de l’Orangerie in Paris.  It was a trip highlighted by Mr. Claude Monet first at Giverny, then at Musee Marmonttan Monet and finally at Orangerie.  Monet felt Paris needed a little cheering up after the war and gave them a place of peace and sanctuary to observe and be with his massive water lilies.  (I think that is a beautiful sentiment some of us could use even now.) Since this visit I have been hyper aware of all things Monet counting the days until I can visit the tulips at Giverny again.  Why am I writing about this now?  Well, I recently visited an exhibit of late Monet works in San Francisco which I will post about in short order and I thought it would be fun to see early works flanked by later works soon. Stay tuned friends…


16 thoughts on “Monet Earlier Years – Paris

  1. Beautiful! I :heart: Monet. I’ve been to the Musee de l’Orangerie also, with it’s huge Monet murals, and to Giverny a couple of times. Of these things I boast. Not to be missed for more Monet and lots of Impressionism is the Musee d’Orsay. We have a Monet exhibit coming to the Denver Art Museum this fall, for which I’ve already bought tickets. A must see. Although Monet’s Impressionism is often ‘hazy’, I wonder that his later works were particularly so due to his failing eyesight. Hmm.

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    • They for sure are because his eye site failed. In fact I have a post coming next week entitled Monet, the Late years which came to the De Young in San Francisco. Is that the same exhibition coming to Denver by chance? If it is, you MUST GO. Because it was spectacular. Stay tuned for my post on Monday. Thank you for the comment. This was a special one for me both back in Paris and my upcoming De Young post.

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  2. Giverny always reminds me of the time I went there with my dad. He wasn’t a sentimental person and not too many things or places impressed him but he seemed to have loved Giverny.

    You look very pretty in one of the photos!

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  3. When we lived in our sticks n bricks home, I had posters (large and small) that I purchased from the Chicago Art Museum professionally framed. My children grew up surrounded by French Impressionism art. Monet will always be my favorite.

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