“Calling all Selfies!” Bulldogtravels Self Portrait Photo Challenge

In an exercise to test some settings on my camera the other night I was forced to take photos of myself which I do not particularly care for.  No one else was around for me to abuse.  Once I had achieved what I had set out to test on my camera I started fooling around with filters in Lightroom.  Several hours later these efforts led me to think that, of all of the challenges I have seen and participated on in WordPress, I had not seen any for Self Portraits or Black and White Self Portraits.

So, readers, I challenge you to post self portraits of yourself!  Just please link or ping back to this post so I can have the benefit of seeing them.  Be as creative as you want.  If your self portrait is a photo of your feet or your kneecaps I am fine with that.  If it is you bending in a backbreaking yoga pose then so be it.  If you use a fancy camera or your cell phone I don’t judge.  (Selfie sticks are welcome here even if they aren’t in Disneyland anymore!)  If you use filters or don’t use filters I don’t care.  If your interpretation of a self portrait is a photo of your dog or your Dahlia then hey, ok, whatever!  I will see the humor in it.

If your self portrait happens to be in a great and interesting travel location that would be even better!  Just have fun with it and let me know how it turns out!  Happy selfie taking!

My attempt at a Selfie…yup that’s a vintage video camera I am using to cover most of my face! 😉

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Cee’s B&W Challenge