Golden Gate Park Botanical Gardens

The Botanical Gardens at Golden Gate Park is arguably one of the best places to visit in San Francisco and maybe the state. These world class gardens never disappoint as a alternative to the traffic and tourism of the City. One can visit frequently throughout the year and see something different each time. In COVID times its a wonderful way to get outside and keep your distance from other folks while breathing sweet salty fresh air. I have visited here many many times over the years and will be forever grateful for my best friend going to college here and introducing me to this magnificent place. The enormous and aged coastal trees are stunning, the detail of the flowers from all over the world are magnificent, and the trails are fun. There is also nothing wrong with bringing a blanket and popping a top of something and just enjoying the sunshine amongst acres and acres of beautiful picnic location options in the gardens.

The Tulips Are Blooming, Queen Wilhelmina’s Garden

Queen Wilhelmina’s Garden in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco was in full bloom showing off its Tulip Magic. The tulips were planted in the shadow of the impressive and iconic windmill which overlooks the underrated Ocean Beach. As is usual for San Francisco the crowds and parking were frustrating yet it was still a nice visit and a great excuse to exercise my Macro lens. No visit to San Francisco is complete without a visit to Golden Gate Park. But please, whatever you do, go in the morning on a weekday or it might ruin the fun for you.

North Table Mountain Spring Flowers

Instagram introduced me to a local phenomenon I had never heard of, Table Mountain near Oroville, California. Table Mountain is an interesting geological feature in and of itself. There are even tall waterfalls for goodness sake! Who knew? Well, throw a blanket of wildflowers all over it and I am game for a road trip. The lack of a trail made it a little confusing and the wind got tiresome after a few hours. But, there is no denying Mother Nature was showing off her Spring Powers here today and I was fortunate to have experienced it. I met some lovely people on the trail which made for a nice morning trip with my camera. Sending you spring sunshine from Northern California.

Dahlia Time

I have to imagine the average garden this year is far better off than normal with so many people quarantining and staying closer to home. I can certainly say this is true for me. Cheerful flowers abound and Dahlias are one of my favorites. Sending Sunshine and light from California.

Tulip Time

It’s tulip time in my backyard! Ever since visiting Monet’s Giverny outside of Paris and also Crystal Hermitage in the Sierra Foothills and having my Tulip mind blown I have wanted to plant some of my own. I kind of went nuts last fall and planted an enormous amount. Here is one of my favorites for spring. Sending you sunshine and light from sunny California.

Stop and Smell the Roses at McKinley Park in Sacramento

Its been hot in the Valley so a visit to the lovely rose garden at McKinley Park in Sacramento was in order early in the morning. It was also best considering social distancing guidelines and not particularly wanting to be close to people at this time. Well, the kiddo and I enjoyed our visit. He smelled every rose declaring which ones smelled good and which ones were inferior. He also spent the better part of two hours picking up wayward petals throwing them in the garbage can which is his favorite pastime. We have a budding Gardener on our hands friends. Stay cool and Stop and Smell those roses.

Bottlebrush buds bursting

We used to have one of these bushes in my yard growing up and I have one in my current house. They never cease to fascinate me these buds. Mother Nature must get bored occasionally and think, “what kind of crazy thing can I come up with now?” Check out the individual buds on this tree! It is amazingly prolific and the bees and hummingbirds flock to it without fail. I love this tree and felt I must share it’s awesomeness with you flower fans fore it is bursting before my eyes!